Digital Engineering
Our solutions improve the implementation of digital engineering and a true Authoritative Source of Truth.
Developing a Digital Thread
What Is a Digital Thread?
A digital thread is a communication framework that integrates data across the lifecycle of a product, system, or process to provide a connected, continuous flow of information. It allows stakeholders to trace and access the evolution of a product or system from concept through design, development, manufacturing, and operational stages. The digital thread connects various digital tools, models, and datasets used across different stages, enabling better decision-making, traceability, and collaboration.
Our Approach
We take a unique approach to digital engineering by applying horizontal integration and vertical integration to our process.
Horizontal Integration
The integration of systems engineering and program management. This approach has provided a domain-independent way to optimize cost, schedule, and performance while mitigating risk throughout the product lifecycle for the systems of systems.
Vertical Integration
Our next step in digital engineering provides interoperability from the systems engineering domain to the design engineering domains throughout the lifecycle.
Horizontal Integration
Vertical Integration

Product Lifecycle Management
Cradle to Grave
We take a lifecycle approach to everything we do. In the PLM stage, we manage a product from cradle to grave. Innoslate covers all areas in the product lifecycle and makes reuse simple.

Agile + DevOPs
Innoslate can be integrated with code deployment tools such as GitHub to deliver a complete DevSecOps solution. Innoslate offers built-in integration with GitHub and can integrate with other tools using APIs.

Innoslate Digital Engineering
The Innoslate Approach to DE
SPEC Innovations takes a unique approach to digital engineering (DE). We began by developing a seamless product, Innoslate, that spans all aspects of systems engineering and program management. We call that “horizontal integration.” This approach has provided a
domain-independent way to optimize cost, schedule, and performance, while mitigating risk throughout the product lifecycle for systems of systems. -
STK & MATLAB Integration
This guide explains how to co-simulate STK and MATLAB® with Innoslate to refine design engineering results through operational scenario models by following an operational model of a lunar rover.
Ansys SpaceClaim Integration
Ansys SpaceClaim supported the lunar rover project by providing data for calculations to determine the excavator's maximum load capacity. Modeling and simulation are supported by Innoslate. Both parts are integrated seamlessly together.
GitHub Integration and Code Repositories
This guide explains how to use GitHub with Innoslate to modify and store live code repositories by following code created and used in a lunar rover prototype. GitHub is a
web-based platform that allows developers to host, manage, and collaborate on software development projects using version control, issue tracking, and other features. Below discusses each feature of the GitHub
interface and how it was used to interact with the code repositories for the lunar rover prototype.
NASA's Break the Ice Challenge
Our team of systems engineers developed a lunar rover that can break the ice using a digital engineering approach. Using Innoslate as the single source of truth and integrating tools like SpaceClaim, STK, Matlab and GitHub, they built a lunar rover capable of extracting 10,000 kg from regolith in 365 days.