Learn from Experts
With over 40+ years of experience and masters in MBSE.
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Gain comprehensive insights, develop expertise in applying Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), requirements management, and project management techniques, obtain a distinguished certification, and benefit from exceptional networking opportunities.
With over 40+ years of experience and masters in MBSE.
You will receive a course certification of your expertise in Innoslate and MBSE.
Develop competencies you can apply directly in your professional role.
Meet people in your field and expand your professional network.
+ Continental Breakfast, Lunch, and Coffee Breaks
+ Access to Innoslate software for 60 days after training is complete
+ Training materials notebook
Learn the following topics.
Learn to develop models with SysML, LML, DoDAF and over 25 diagram types.
Execute models for cost, time, resources, assets, variance etc.
Create tasks, Kanban boards, Gantt Charts, WBS, and more.
This section provides a general overvierw of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), the Lifecycle Modeling Language (LML), architecture, and architectural frameworks.
This section describes the Innoslate User Interface (UI) to include dashboards, views, and AI intergrations.
This section describes the Innoslate User Interface (UI) to include dashboards, views, and AI intergrations.
This section describes creating, importing, and managing documents.
This section describes requirements, requirements management, quality checking, and requirements analysis.
This section describes visualizing traceability and the traceability matrix.
This section describes actions, action diagrams, and basic simulation.
This section describes entity querying and filtering within Innoslate.
This section describes physical modeling, physical model diagrams, and physical model roll-up.
This section describes verification, validation, test center, verification requirements, and other test-related activities.
This section describes accessing reports and features of the Entity Table Report.
This section describes risks, risk cubes, and risk burn-down charts.
This section describes Innoslate's collaborative features.
This section provides an overview of the schema editor.
This section describes Model-Based Program Management (MBPM), project planning, project tracking and control, conducting Model-Based Reviews (MBRs), and Agile program management.
This section provides resources for additional information.
Dr. Steven Dam is a leading expert in the field of Model-Based Systems Engineering and Requirements Management and Analysis.
Dr. Dam has over 40 years of experience teaching science and engineering.
An author and designer of both software, Innoslate and Sopatra, and many textbooks.
INCOSE Expert Systems Engineering Professional Certified.
The location has been moved to Manassas, VA.
Stay up to date on the next Innoslate Innovation Bootcamp.