Elizabeth Steiner

Elizabeth Steiner is the marketing and sales director at SPEC Innovations.

8 min read

Streamlining Systems Engineering: How to Replace 8 Tools with 1

Performing systems engineering tasks across the lifecycle is very difficult without using a set of modern tools. Systems Engineers must gather and analyze a massive amount of data in the course of what becomes years of work on a project. You can use...

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2 min read

6 Reasons You Need Branching And Forking in Requirements Management

Branching and forking are powerful techniques in requirements management that significantly enhance the flexibility, collaboration, and traceability...

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5 min read

Non-Functional vs. Functional Requirements: When to Use Each Type

When developing a system, understanding and writing effective requirements is crucial for ensuring the final product meets the intended needs....

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1 min read

Abstract: The Ultimate Guide to Requirements Management

Abstract: The Ultimate Guide to Requirements Management provides a comprehensive guide on managing requirements effectively throughout the project...

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2 min read

4 Ways Innoslate Can Prevent Bridge Disasters With MBSE

The tragic Baltimore Bridge accident in March necessitates improvements to prevent similar incidents in the future. Dr. Corren McCoy, Chief Data...

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4 min read

9 Methods for Requirements Gathering

Establishing effective requirements is the foundation of successful project management and product development. Requirements Management provides a...

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1 min read

Preventing Subway Disasters: The Role of Systems Engineering

In the wake of two recent subway derailments in New York City's bustling mass transit system, questions arise about the safety and reliability of...

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2 min read

The Path to Becoming a Systems Engineer

Discover the journey to becoming a successful systems engineer and explore the responsibilities, tools, types, and career opportunities in this...

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2 min read

Improve Your Systems Engineering Process With Innoslate

In today's complex systems engineering landscape, ensuring efficiency, collaboration, and accuracy is paramount. That is where Innoslate comes into...

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1 min read

User Success: Dr. Randal Allen, UCF Engineering Professor

Dr. Randal Allen has decades of experience in Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), 6DOF Modeling & Simulation (M&S), and Guidance, Navigation, and...

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