Steven Dam

Dr. Dam is the President and Founder of Systems and Proposal Engineering Company (SPEC Innovations). He has been involved with structure analysis, software development, and systems engineering for over 30 years. He participated in the development of C4ISR Architecture Framework and DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF), the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office (DARO) Vision Architecture, the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA), and Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) architecture. He currently is applying system engineering techniques to various DoD projects. Dr. Dam has a BS degree in Physics from George Mason University and a PhD. in Physics from the University of South Carolina. He has also been a long term member of INCOSE and was formerly the President of the San Diego Chapter before relocating to the Washington Metropolitan Area. Dr. Dam has presented numerous papers and seminars to the WMA Chapter. He is currently President-Elect of the WMA Chapter of INCOSE.

1 min read

Drawing ≠ Models: Understanding the Distinction in MBSE

Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) has become a prominent term in the engineering world. The concepts of “modeling” and “simulation” are frequently discussed, but there's a common misconception: equating a model with a set of drawings or a...

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3 min read

How to Write Good Requirements: 10 Tips and Examples

Writing good requirements is essential for the success of any project. Clear, concise, and well-defined requirements set the foundation for a...

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3 min read

MBSE: Alive & Well

This blog is in response to a Reddit post by Rhedogian, “Change My View: Model-Based Systems Engineering in 2024 is at best overhyped, or is at worst...

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3 min read

Verify & Validate the System Lifecycle Webinar

Don't feel up to reading? Watch the recording! What is Verification & Validation (V&V)? The common definitions for V&V are: verification is “the...

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1 min read

Abstract: The Foundation for Digital Engineering

Abstract: "The Foundation for Digital Engineering: Creating a Conceptual Data Model (CDM) and Data Storage Plan (DSP)" discusses the...

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8 min read

Meeting the Challenges for Digital Engineering

Introduction Recently, a senior US Air Force leader gave a presentation with the slide in Figure 1 showing the challenge areas for continued...

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3 min read

10 Qualities That Make a Good Systems Engineer

All systems engineers should have an understanding of basic concepts and a strong technical background, but these qualities go beyond just the...

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3 min read

How to Perform Risk Management

Risk analysis and management are vital to the success of any project. As contractors who work on a myriad of projects, we see firsthand that...

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5 min read

How to Build FMECA and Fault Tree Analysis with MBSE

What Is FMEA? FMEA is a proactive technique used to identify potential failure modes, their causes, and the effects of those failures on system...

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