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Digital Engineering

4 min read

Innoslate Agile Application Guide

OVERVIEW The purpose of this guide is to describe SPEC Innovations’ approach to Agile Application Lifecycle Management within an Innoslate-based...

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9 min read

Innoslate Configuration Management Guide

OVERVIEW Data-Driven Systems Engineering (DDSE) presents unique challenges from a Configuration Management perspective. The purpose of this guide is...

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7 min read

Innoslate Verification & Validation Guide

OVERVIEW The purpose of this guide is to describe approaches for planning and executing Verification and Validation within an Innoslate-based Digital...

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8 min read

A Use Case for Digital Engineering

Our Approach to Digital Engineering SPEC Innovations takes a unique approach to digital engineering (DE). We began by developing a seamless product,...

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1 min read

Abstract: The Foundation for Digital Engineering

Abstract: "The Foundation for Digital Engineering: Creating a Conceptual Data Model (CDM) and Data Storage Plan (DSP)" discusses the...

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8 min read

Meeting the Challenges for Digital Engineering

Introduction Recently, a senior US Air Force leader gave a presentation with the slide in Figure 1 showing the challenge areas for continued...

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5 min read

A Digital Engineering Platform Approach for Missile Defense

By Michael Jordan, Dr. Steven Dam, Lilleigh Stevie, Andy Tapia Introduction In missile defense, "Threading the Digital Needle" is an important...

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