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7 min read

Innoslate Verification & Validation Guide

OVERVIEW The purpose of this guide is to describe approaches for planning and executing Verification and Validation within an Innoslate-based Digital Engineering Environment (DEE).

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4 min read

Digital Material Management: How USAF Brings a Digital Transformation

The United States Air Force (USAF) has long been at the forefront of technological innovation, and its adoption of digital material management...

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1 min read

Abstract: The Ultimate Guide to Requirements Management

Abstract: The Ultimate Guide to Requirements Management provides a comprehensive guide on managing requirements effectively throughout the project...

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2 min read

4 Ways Innoslate Can Prevent Bridge Disasters With MBSE

The tragic Baltimore Bridge accident in March necessitates improvements to prevent similar incidents in the future. Dr. Corren McCoy, Chief Data...

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9 min read

Rethinking Requirements Derivation: Part 2

By John Fitch, for Project Performance International (PPI) [Fitch, John. “Rethinking Requirements Derivation: Part 2.” PPI Systems Engineering...

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10 min read

Rethinking Requirements Derivation: Part 1

By John Fitch, for Project Performance International (PPI) [Fitch, John. “Rethinking Requirements Derivation: Part 1.” PPI Systems Engineering...

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3 min read

MBSE: Alive & Well

This blog is in response to a Reddit post by Rhedogian, “Change My View: Model-Based Systems Engineering in 2024 is at best overhyped, or is at worst...

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8 min read

A Use Case for Digital Engineering

Our Approach to Digital Engineering SPEC Innovations takes a unique approach to digital engineering (DE). We began by developing a seamless product,...

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2 min read

Enhancing Systems Engineering Through Generative AI Webinar

Watch the recording of Dr. Steven Dam's INCOSE webinar, "Enhancing Systems Engineering Through Generative AI." In the ever-evolving field of...

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